Entrepreneur Fabian de Mortier is revolutionizing how people shop online with Vidiren

July 07 05:40 2021

This last year has been busy for Fabian de Mortier and his team at Vidi Rendering Technologies AKA Vidiren. They have built a new technology allowing anyone to easily create and deploy a “video commerce” website. 

Consumers want more videos and they want to shop directly from videos. According to eMarketer, American adults spend in average 1h 32min watching online videos each day and this number is growing by over 20% per annum. Brands want to publish more video content to tell their stories and sell their products. Vidiren allows merchants to easily publish their own video-centric ecommerce websites, and offers a modern and intuitive mobile-first experience to consumer.

Each web page is a full-screen video. Each video is shoppable. Consumers can swipe through videos to discover and shop products. They can make purchases directly from live-stream presentations. They can easily engage with the website owner and with other shoppers via modern social features.  

“Vidiren is the first video commerce website builder in the world!” says Fabian de Mortier, the founder and CEO of Vidiren. “Our goal is to allow merchants to reduce their reliance on social apps like Facebook, IG, TikTok, and directly nurture their customer community on their own video website. The website and all its data, is fully owned and controlled by each merchant. Our solution is also the only end-to-end encrypted website builder in the world, safeguarding consumers’ personal data.” 

Vidiren is off to a good start with a waiting list of several hundred businesses wanting to access the service. Vidiren will let a few select brands launch their first video commerce sites this year. The early adopters are really excited.

“We haven’t seen anything that innovative for a long time.” reports Rachel D. who works at a digital marketing firm in Los Angeles. “For years, web developers have been trying to make desktop websites responsive to mobile devices. This approach is not ideal as it’s just an adaptation of desktop technology to mobile. Vidiren’s team totally reinvented the ecommerce shopping experience for the modern web as if desktop computers never existed. Vidiren is a true mobile-first ecommerce technology.” 

Fabian de Mortier explains that mobile technology is ripe for video commerce. Social features and live-streaming used to be reserved to native apps in the past, but recent browser technology advancements have made these features not only possible but also stable directly on ecommerce websites. 

Vidiren has spent the last years building its own algorithms for video transcoding, live streaming, AI generated video content, and predictive video browsing. All these features are now integrated in an easy-to-use website builder powered by Vidiren.

“We’ve never seen anything like it. Vidiren’s video commerce websites look so modern, that any other website looks like last century tech” says Nicole B. who works as VP of Content for EMK Skincare in Beverly Hills. 

It’s easy to see why digital marketers and brands are excited to get onboard with video commerce, but Vidiren is also in high demand from video content creators who currently rely on YouTube or TikTok to monetize their content. Vidiren will allow content creators to build their own direct-to-consumer brands and sell services and products directly on their own video commerce website. 

“Video commerce is the future of ecommerce. It’s a game changer for video content producers.  Everyone wants to consume video content. It’s just such a better way to learn about a product, a service, team or a brand. But right now, embedding shoppable videos in ecommerce website is pretty hard. I think Vidiren have solved this problem with their technology.” Explains Nick S., a digital marketing specialist.

Media Contact
Company Name: Vidi Rendering Technologies
Contact Person: Lauren
Email: Send Email
Address:8383 Wilshire Blvd
City: Los Angeles
State: CA
Country: United States
Website: https://vidiren.com/